Another great column. Question: are there instances/conditions in which exercise (of any kind, like listed here) does NOT lower BP? Asking for a friend...

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That’s a great question. I’m not aware of anything to suggest that, but people with low or normal blood pressure may not see an enormous benefit.

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Thanks Brady, I appreciate the work you do researching exercise results on health problems. I'm curious if you know more research on Exercise With Oxygen therapy (EWOT). I read William Campbell Douglass' MD book Stop Aging or Slow the Process using EWOT published in 2003.

I bought an oxygen concentrator to use when I ride the stationary bike to experiment myself. I've had it for two weeks so my hands-on research has just started. Do you have any insight on EWOT?

Thanks so much.

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Now go into the Deep Breathing options: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210630135033.htm

Lots of people can't do the hard exercise.

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