Useful post. Thanks! Could you extrapolate and say that the day after a very hard training day (say, a 20 mile trail run), protein requirements are even higher on the subsequent rest day? Also, are these results concordant with other studies showing that timing of protein intake post-exercise is less important?
Do you know how the calorie content of the high carb breakfast was in comparison to the energy expenditure from the runs? I would be interested in the overall caloric balances in the different conditions (and have no access to the publication).
Hey Peter. I should have included this information because it's pretty important. The calories in the pre-run breakfast and post-run meal were *matched* to the caloric expenditure of the run. In other words, it was designed to put them in a caloric maintenance.
Useful post. Thanks! Could you extrapolate and say that the day after a very hard training day (say, a 20 mile trail run), protein requirements are even higher on the subsequent rest day? Also, are these results concordant with other studies showing that timing of protein intake post-exercise is less important?
Do you know how the calorie content of the high carb breakfast was in comparison to the energy expenditure from the runs? I would be interested in the overall caloric balances in the different conditions (and have no access to the publication).
Hey Peter. I should have included this information because it's pretty important. The calories in the pre-run breakfast and post-run meal were *matched* to the caloric expenditure of the run. In other words, it was designed to put them in a caloric maintenance.
Ah, thanks. This is good to know, otherwise I would have had expected some confounding.